Weight Loss & Wellness
Weight Loss & Wellness
- Weight Loss Programs
- Natural Weight Loss
- Medication, Medically Monitored
- Detox Weight Loss Plans

Nutrition & Health
Nutrition & Health
- Nutrition & Education
- Nutrition & Weight Loss
- Nutrition & Vitamins
- Nutrition & Longevity

Vitamins & Vitamin Infusion/Wellness
Vitamins & Vitamin Infusion/Wellness
- B12 Energy Boosting Injection
- B12 Lipo (Fat) Burning Injection
- Vitamin C Injection
- Medical Grade Vitamins
- IV Vitamin Infusion
- Hydrate Your Body
- Boost Your Immune System

Aesthetic Facial & Body Treatments
Aesthetic Facial & Body Treatments
- Micro-needling
- Micro-needling w/ Enriched Plasma
- PDO Smooth Threads
- Radio-Frequency, Builds Collagen
- Chemical Peels (Medical Grade)
- Dermaplaning
- Micro-needling w/Radio-Frequency w/Fractional Skin Resurfacing

Skin Care & Youthful Skin Preservation
Skin Care & Youthful Skin Preservation
- Natural Skin Care
- Botanical Skin Care
- Cosmeceutical Skin Care
- Medical Grade Skin Care

Botox® & Facial Fillers
Botox® & Facial Fillers
- FDA Approved for over 35 Years
- Very Effective in Diminishing Fine lines & Wrinkles (Facial)
- Anti-Aging & Natural Results
Ten years ago, I courageously decided to go into business for myself. At that time, I had 22 years of healthcare experience. As of today, I have been serving others with their healthcare needs a total of 30 years and counting. Back in 2011, I too lost approximately 40lbs, as of today, I've been able to maintain my weight. My own journey inspired me to change my career path from what I would describe as reactive care, to now what is considered proactive care in Health & Wellness. Never in a million years did I imagine I would be helping others improve their lives through the foundation of nutrition! " Food is Medicine for the Human Body "
" My Promise to the patients I Serve "
Provide every patient with Safe, Knowledgeable, Individualized, Non-judgmental, Excellent Care
Susan Mulkey, FNP - C
Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacment
Bio-Identical Hormone Replacment
Bio-Identical Hormones (BHRT) are used presently for women, to improve an imbalance after natural levels of Estrogen or Testosterone drop with age. Treatment for men with BHRT will be offered in the near future.
Regain Energy, Indurance, & Lose Weight
Regain Energy, Indurance, & Lose Weight
Often times, the drop in hormonal levels cause a decrease in energy and endurance. Adults seem to lack the normal vitality and energy they once had. In addition, weight and that mid-section abdominal bulge just seems harder to lose.
Regain a Healthy Libido/Sexual Lifestyle
Regain a Healthy Libido/Sexual Lifestyle
Have you often wondered why your desire for physical relations with your partner has either declined or no-longer exit? This too can certainly be due to hormonal imbalance.
Stability in Mood, Memory, Sleep, & Hot Flashes
Stability in Mood, Memory, Sleep, & Hot Flashes
Do you find yourself more moody, going back and forth between feeling happy, sad, and easily tearful. Do you find yourself more forgetful, not being able to remember things? Do you find yourself waking up more often during the night, possibly due to hot flashes or not. Waking in the morning and yet you still feel tired and sluggish, this too can also be due to the declining levels of natural hormones. BlueSkies, we can help figure out if one or all of the above symptoms are due to declining hormones. Why not consider a natural replacement and regain your quality of life today.
Get in touch
Get in touch
75 W Calle de las Tiendas #121-B
Green Valley, Arizona
Phone: 520-625-4094
Fax: 844-269-6897
Wed-Fri: 9:30 am - 5:30 pm
Sat: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sun: Closed